(NC)�In Canada, studies
show boating is a safe family activity. Almost every problem we hear about is
the result of a stupid decision � mixing alcohol with boating and/or ignoring
safety regulations. There are some very simple ways to keep you and your family
safe while boating.
The most common accident to
passengers and crew is falling overboard. In fact, 40% of all fatal boating
accidents arise from this. It can be avoided if boaters make sure they have good
footing and a good hand-hold at all times. If you need to move around in the
boat, hold on to both sides and keep your weight low.
Don't mix alcohol and water. In
a Red Cross Society study, two-thirds of boating injury victims � where the
blood alcohol level was recorded � had consumed alcohol. Almost 40% had an
alcohol level above the legal limit. In addition to being illegal, it's clearly
a dangerous idea to operate a boat and drink.
Always carry enough Personal
Floatation Devices (PFDs) for each person on board. For water-skiing, fishing or
simply cruising, PFDs are absolutely essential. It's now even easier to find the
ideal PFD because they're available in a wide array of colours and patterns.
Choose one to match your swimsuit or boat and make sure it fits properly! The
Red Cross Society study noted 92% of boating-related drowning victims were not
wearing a PFD or lifejacket correctly!
Boating, practiced by smart
boaters is safe. U.S. statistics show boating is twice as safe as biking, five
times as safe as driving and 24 times as safe as scuba diving. By practicing
safe boating, you're guaranteed to have a great time boating all summer long.
Boating is the activity of traveling by boat.
In particular, it refers to the recreational use of boats, typically focused
on the traveling itself, as opposed to activities just using the boat, such as
fishing, waterskiing or sailing. Even so, it encompasses a wide variety of
activities, ranging from taking a rowboat on the pond of a city park, to
kayaking on the open sea. Boating is an extremely popular activity, and there
are millions of boaters worldwide. Sailing is a category of boating that uses
wind-powered vessels, while powerboating uses motorized vessels.
The obvious initial requirement for boating is a boat. There is an entire
industry devoted to supplying both large and small vessels for boaters. There
also is an entire industry devoted to supplying boat loans to people that cannot
afford to purchase a vessel outright. Most smaller boats are stored at home and
carried to the water on boat trailers, where they are floated from launch ramps
leading down into the water. The smallest boats and kayaks may simply be carried
by hand or by lashing it to the top of an automobile. Larger boats are kept at
marinas, which offer a tie-up protected from the weather and a variety of
support services, such as fuel, equipment and so forth.
Most boat trips begin and end in one day, while longer trips are typically
called cruises. While other activities may be planned as part of the trip, for
many boaters the purpose is simply to enjoy being out on the water; drinking and
partying are proverbial as part of the experience.
Being a recreational activity, most boating is done in calm protected waters and
during good weather. Even so, conditions can change rapidly, and a small vessel
can get into life-threatening difficulties. The coast guards of most nations
include boating safety and rescue as part of their charter.
Boating is also lesser used as a term to describe a common position of feline
relaxation. The term is used in American households to in relation to the
appearance of how a cat looks when its front legs are tucked beneath it. In this
position, the cat looks as if it has no appendages, yet sits tucked in and
appears to float on the carpet as a boat would on water. Thus arose the term
boating. Usage: "Check it out, your cat's boatin'!"