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Imagine going to a place where wearing clothing is
not required. A place where families can come
together and enjoy a day unlike any other. Indoor or
out, summer or snow, friends shed it all for a different
kind of living. A life free of crippling social
inhibitions with no need for repressive clothing.
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Nudist Tips A woman standing on a street corner
breast feeding her child may be awarded more leniency by the law than a woman
stripping for money on the opposite corner. Many states and commonwealths within
the United States don't have laws specifically prohibiting public nudity. If an
arrest is made of an individual or individuals who are nude in public it's
usually under misdemeanor nuisance laws such as disturbing the peace, impeding a
public right-of-way, things like that.
But is nudity freedom of speech and thus protected by the First Amendment?
If the nudity is the only way to express a certain concept or idea or viewpoint,
yes, most likely it would be considered protected speech under the First
Amendment. Or if the person "speaking" by nudity had no other means of
expression, yes, most likely it would be considered protected speech under the
First Amendment. Factors such as the location where the nudity took place, who
witnessed the nudity (those who expected to see such a display or those who
would have likely not expected such a display in the given setting) would come
into play as well in a court decision, but likely a case could be made for the
viewpoint expressed or the necessity of the method used, that is, being nude to
make one's point.