How I Became a Naturist
I suppose it all started as a child,
although I was not aware of it at that time.
I knew nothing of naturism then, but I do know that I loved to take my clothes
of in open spaces,
and around the home when nobody was in.
I was taught nudity is WRONG except in private, ie. bathroom or
bedroom with the door shut.
I used to
live on the outskirts of a town on the south coast of England, behind our home
was open fields,
and common land covered with various bushes and ferns, there was also a stream
and an old disused
clay quarry which had many lakes and pools.
It was here
that I first experience the feel of the sun, wind and rain on my naked body, and
Yes I know we have all been there, the skinny dipping crowd, but it was not only
that for me.
I went out of my way to get away from the other lads so I could strip off and
enjoy nudity,
not for a laugh, but because I felt it was right. I would lay there and enjoy
the sounds of nature around me,
standing in the stream or sitting in it and feeling the cool water flowing
around my body.
I would just sit and watch as other animals moved around in the bushes and open
or I would go running through the ferns, climb trees.
I would have the chance to camp out over night, what fun that was, and if I was
on my own it was better,
I would lay in the open by a camp fire naked, and on a clear night just look up
at the stars, how lovely it felt,
the heat from the dancing flames of the fire, on my naked body, only to be
cooled by the odd breeze of wind.
When I started to write
this page I realized that it really had nothing to do with Naturism/Nudism,
but there again it is a part of my life, and part of the process by which I
became a Naturist.
So if you think it has no place here then I can only apologies as I think it
As I entered my mid-teens I found that other distractions took me away from my
earlier pastimes.
Leaving school and finding work, and starting to get involved in other teenage
activities, i.e. clubs, drink, girls,
and of course the dreaded word sex. My feeling for nudity were still there, but
the change in lifestyle,
meant they did not seem as important and were put on the back burner. I still
enjoyed it on the odd occasion
that I found myself on my own, and could relax to enjoy it, although I had heard
of naturism/nudism
(i.e. nudist colonies) I did not follow it up, I no longer went out of my way to
indulge in nudity.
Dealing with
puberty was another distraction, there were no
sex education classes then, and not having a father
to talk to made it difficult, although I am not sure if it made it would have
been different if I had a father to talk to,
sex was not a subject to be discussed, my brothers who were not much older than
myself were not of much help,
they had been through it and only made fun of me.
Yes in my earlier years, (like all kids), I had heard of this word sex, and
wondered what it was all about,
looked at the girlie mags and laugh with the other lads, and got the erections,
had the wet dreams and masturbated.
All of this was fun, but it did not prepare me for the feelings that were about
to take over my body,
the feeling that I would get when I was with my girlfriend. These were enjoyable
years, but started out very confusing,
I eventually got married, and had a child. My feelings for nudity were still on
the back burner.
The marriage only lasted 6 years.
Then for the next 4 or 5 years I moved around the country, not settling down
just moving on from town to town and job to job, until I moved into the
Berkshire area.
As I said at the top of the page all of this has little to do with
Naturism/nudism, but it does sort of fill in the lost years.