We believe in wholesome nudity and body-positivity for all ages and genders. Learn how a lifestyle without clothes is helping millions of people live healthy lives.
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Imagine going to a place where wearing clothing is
not required. A place where families can come
together and enjoy a day unlike any other. Indoor or
out, summer or snow, friends shed it all for a different
kind of living. A life free of crippling social
inhibitions with no need for repressive clothing.
Explore pure nudism to witness naturists practice what
they preach. Browse. Observe. Learn. Become part of this
growing lifestyle!
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PureNudism.com is thanking all of its online visitors and loyal subscribers for over a decade of ongoing support!
Ten Things You Can Do to Promote Clothes-Freedom
As the current news illustrates,
public nudity on beaches, college campuses, ski
slopes, and elsewhere has been the subject of quite a bit of activity recently,
both pro and con. In some cases (e. g. Australia and Wisconsin), nudity has won
explicit (or at least tacit) approval, while in others (e. g. Florida and
Hawaii), some officials are still fighting against it.
Although the legitimacy of
social nudity on private property was settled long ago (in most U. S.
jurisdictions), opponents continue to devise new avenues of attack. And nudity
in suitable public locations remains a subject of considerable controversy, as
it has for over 30 years in North America.
Victories on behalf of
clothes-freedom do not come about automatically. Secure, pleasant locations for
the enjoyment of nudity don't just "happen". In almost all cases, the efforts of
many people have been required. Though there are many different specific actions
required in each case, there are also a number of general steps people who like
to be naked can take to promote the way of being that they prefer. Here's a
short list. I won't explain each item in detail - each could be the subject of
an essay in itself. In most cases, the purpose and benefit should be obvious.
Join The PureNudism.com
Naturist Society. (There's strength in numbers.)
Contribute generously to
the Naturist Action Committee.
Tell your friends and
family you're a naturist. Persuade those who have open minds to join you.
Write to your local paper
whenever some naturism-related issue comes up in the news.
Write to government
officials whenever some policy issue affecting naturists is being decided.
(Such as the Honokohau Beach issue.)
Put up your own Web page
about naturism. Tell the world what it means to you.
Get involved with local
projects like a beach cleanup, efforts to discourage gawkers at the beach
you like best, or activities to promote naturism in your community.
Network with other
naturists over the Internet, using things like mailing lists, the Web, chat
rooms, IRC channels.
Learn all you can about the
history of nudism/naturism and the factors that affect it.
Work for responsible
standards of personal behavior at any naturist beach, club, or event you
Treat fellow naturists with
the fullest respect any honest, responsible individual deserves.
OK, that's more than 10. And
more could be added. But it seems about right as a place to start.
Remove Your
If you've just been waiting for
encouragement to get naked from a mainstream source, especially if you are
female, now you have it. The May issue of Mademoiselle has an article on
"nude-o-phobia" which (very briefly) analyses the common fear of being naked,
and offers a 5-step program to overcome it. The "5 steps to a more naked you:"
Expose yourself. (Get comfortable being nude
Get to know your body. (Pay attention to your
body's sensory signals, especially when unclothed.)
Look at yourself. (Become familiar with - and
accepting of - how you look without clothes.)
Move on to semipublic nudity. (In commonly
acceptable circumstances, such as a locker room.)
Graduate to social nudity. (The real thing.)
The feature, of course, is about
body acceptance. The message has been repeated often enough, that people (women
especially) are needlessly unhappy due to fears their bodies are somehow not
"right". But this time the way to overcome the problem is stated very clearly.
As the magazine's editor-in-chief herself says, "Go find a nude beach. Remove
all your clothes."