Nude Cruise & General Nude Cruise Information
A nude cruise
sounds like a wonderful way to vacation. When shedding the clothing we shed all
sorts of stress and have a chance to truly relax, which is the point of any
vacation. On visits to nudist/naturist resorts, even though I was there for only
one day each time, that one day was as relaxing to me as a full week or more at
any clothing-required vacation spot. The sights on the Lido deck may not be the
prettiest because what is seen is a true representation of humanity, opposite
the airbrushed "perfection" which is all that's represented in magazines and
Whether on a cruise, at a resort, or camping out in the middle of nowhere, try
it clothes-free. You'll love the freedom!
An article in today�s New York Times
discusses the recently discovered differences between the human genome and
that of the Chimpanzee. The two, as we all know (and some don�t like to admit),
are very similar. But somewhere down in that twisting, kinked helix we call our
DNA there lies a gene that stopped us from growing hair on our bodies, that led
to the invention of clothing, that made Ralph Lauren a billionaire. And some
people don�t like that.
Some people, it seems, enjoy being nude. Even when they travel. This post is
about them.
According to recent statistics, nude travel is all the rage. And among the
mammalian multitudes whoo enjoy a brisk breeze betwixt their privates, is a
group who favors sailing the open ocean with nothing but sunglasses and, well
OK, just sunglasses. Yes, I am talking about nudie cruises. A company called
Bare Necessities offers ocean-going adventures for those who like to enjoy their
persimmon sunsets sans clothing. It�s not the prettiest sight one can imagine,
but the concept does bring to mind hordes of pale, doughy humans frolicking
about the Lido Deck, margaritas in hand, as cool Pacific winds blow a hundred
flesh wind socks in the same direction. Could naked travel be for you? Well,
that is between you and your God. But if you think it might be worth a try, the
company is offering in February 2006 a trip aboard a 2,000 passenger ship that
will sail from Ft. Lauderdale to the Caribbean. Another offers a 14 day
excursion through the Panama Canal, a trip that will surely make a lot of
mosquitoes very happy.
Trippers Set Off on Nude Cruise
It has been billed as the
first naked tour of the Mediterranean, a week-long cruise for 450 people with
the wearing of clothes mostly optional and sometimes banned completely.
The first big-ship nudist cruise of the Mediterranean, on the 17,000-tonne
Flamenco, was hailed as the biggest naked event in these waters since Aphrodite
appeared in her birthday suit floating on a scallop shell.
The cruise left Barcelona on Monday with a passenger list made up mostly of
Spaniards, but with Britons the second-largest group.
"It is just like a normal cruise, but for people who like being nude," a
spokeswoman for the Spanish organisers, Gheisa Tours, said yesterday.
While the crew would remain clothed, passengers would be obliged to dress only
for dinner, she explained. Clothes of any kind will be banned from the sun deck
and swimming pool.
"They will have towels, of course, for reasons of hygiene," the spokeswoman
added. Clothes will remain optional at all other times and in all other places,
except during excursions on to dry land.
The nude cruisers will be taking in some of the sights of the Mediterranean. But
every stop also includes an opportunity for passengers to take off their clothes
at a new location, be it a French hillside nudist club or a beach in Ibiza.
In addition, passengers can do everything from gamble to disco dance in whatever
state of undress they desire.
Not everything, however, will be about achieving all-over tans or enjoying naked
frolics in the water.
A series of conferences with titles such as Nudism and Parallel Forms of
Discrimination will be available to those who take their nudity seriously.
Thirteen children were among those to have joined the cruise.
One couple were due to be married today by the Flamenco's captain, Joannis
Notarakis, though organisers did not say whether it would be a naked ceremony.