My first visit to a Naturist swimming club was drawing near. I had visited many
foreign naturist beaches over the last few years, and several in the UK.
Although I knew there was no difference, it still seemed a fairly major step to
take. I had decided that I was no longer going to hide the fact that I AM A
NATURIST, and that as such I was going to seek others of a similar disposition.
My wife was somewhat curious as to why I wanted to go to a naturist swim, but as
I was not putting any pressure on her to join me, she was quite happy.
So the big night arrived. I
had telephoned the organizer in Taunton earlier and confirmed that it was still
on, and that I would be welcome as a lone male. I traveled the 20 miles to
Street, and found the
pool. I was too early, and so I sat in the car
park waiting to see if anyone else arrived. Shortly a car with four people
arrived, and they all went over to the pool. Seeing one other lone man waiting,
I decided that I looked a little furtive, and so grabbed my towel and marched
boldly over to the pool. Inside I found a dozen people already waiting around a
table where the club secretary was chatting and joking as everyone paid their
entrance fees. I waited my turn and then explained that I had called earlier.
Immediately, Bob the Taunton organizer of this swim shook my hand and welcomed
me warmly. I felt so much more at ease to know that I was in the right place and
wouldn�t be asked to leave.
I had read that communal
changing was the norm, so when everyone went into the Ladies changing room I
followed. Bob showed me where the Sauna was, and within a couple of minutes I
was undressed and in the pool. I enjoyed a few minutes of vigorous swimming, and
then took a break at the shallow end. I was surprised to see that the number of
people had grown to around forty, with almost all ages from an almost new born
baby (not swimming) through small children, young and old adults. There were,
however, no teenagers - that came as no surprise. I talked to a couple of other
people there, both very friendly and welcoming. The Sauna was most enjoyable,
relaxing muscles and soothing tired joints. I didn�t know that one is expected
to take a towel into the sauna to sit upon, but once inside it was obvious that
everyone else had! No one mentioned it, though, and I will know for next time.
All in all, I found the
experience a great pleasure; not least to know that there are a large number of
people who believe naturism is normal. My only slight criticism would be to ask
all regulars to talk more to 'newbies' they were new once and a welcoming word
makes all the difference.
My decision to be open
about naturism has taken a setback. When I told a close relative where I had
been I was called �A dirty little pervert�, and told that �Adults have revolting
bodies�. Well, I believe differently, and I think that my relative is all the
poorer for not experiencing the simple pleasure of naturism. I know I shall be
returning to the next evening at Burnham on Sea.
A pool of naked ambition
The curtain will drop tomorrow night as the clothes come off at the Canada Games
Pool for a two-hour nude swim.
To protect the splashing nudists from the lecherous gazes of voyeurs - or anyone
else interested in gawking at bodies in the buff - the city's parks and
recreation department required the Cariboo Nudist Society to draw the curtains
for the duration of the event. From 8:30 p.m. until 10:30 p.m., the pool's
windows will be blocked.
For a nudism greenhorn, Saturday's swim could be an experience that may liberate
the novice from more than just the clothes. After all, human beings are born
nudists, says Teddy van Geemen, an event organizer.
"It's a great sense of liberation and freedom when you first try it," he says,
especially when it is done with a group.
"Social nudism is characterized by great acceptance. Nobody cares whether you
are fat or skinny."
Van Geemen's friend, Connie Robson, was initiated about six years ago when she
went skinny dipping in a lake.
"It was an exhilarating feeling of freedom," she recalls. "You can be yourself
when you're clothes-free."